With its roots in geology, GEOS has seen all types of aggregates pass: from Scottish granite to French porphyry, from Belgian limestone to Norwegian sandstone.
The suitability of aggregates for asphalt knows many criterions according to European norm EN 13043. The Polished Stone Value (PSV) is by far the most discussed. Demands are getting more and more strict, forcing the road construction sector to import the most exotic rocks. Some industrial slags are believed to have an exceptionally high polished stone value. At GEOS, reliable measurement is a certainty.
The use of the right filler in asphalt stimulates the cohesion between bitumen and aggregates, increases the stiffness and decreases the water sensibility.
GEOS can determine a significant amount of macroscopically functional properties on the level of mortar (bitumen + filler). Applying these techniques we support many research projects from the filler- and road construction sector.
Applied Geology
Natural stones, gravel, sand, concrete and bricks. All stony building materials consist of inorganic compounds which obtain their hardness because of their crystal and glass-like appearance. A mineralogical analysis shows which structures occur in the material. This is useful for following matters, for example:
- Hardness and microstructure
- Potential reactivity, for example, alkali-silica reaction (ASR) or ettringite formation
- Potential hydraulic reactivity: glass content in fly ash and blast furnace slag
- Geological classification of natural stone
- Formation behavior of clay- and sandy soils
GEOS applies many techniques to clarify the mineralogic structure of various materials:
- Petrography (polarisation-fluorescence microscopy)
- Röntgendiffraction (XRD)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Possibly provided with chemical analysis, we allocate all data to you to make a correct judgment of your material. GEOS’ expertise in applied geology dates back many years, relying on its professionalism.
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