Holding these accreditations demonstrates our laboratory’s commitment to maintaining high standards and ensuring the reliability of our testing and certification services.
BELAC is the Belgian accreditation system that evaluates and accredits the conformity of certification and inspection bodies, ensuring the reliability of certificates and inspections in Belgium.
Consult our scope on this page. (pdf)
Scope of Accreditation:
- Chemical Analysis: Testing of bitumens, bituminous materials, cements, concrete, ceramics, and other construction materials.
- Mechanical Analysis: Evaluation of cements, concrete, ceramics, soils, rocks, sludge, and other construction materials.
- Physical Analysis: Assessment of bitumens, bituminous materials, concrete, and other construction materials.
- Climatology-Ageing: Analysis of ceramics, concrete, and other construction materials.
- Geological Analysis: Examination of construction materials.
- Performance Evaluation: Testing of cements, ceramics, concrete, and other construction materials.
- Sampling: Collection and analysis of concrete, soils, rocks, and sludge.
CE Notified Body
A CE Notified Body is an organization designated by an EU member state to assess the conformity of certain products before they are placed on the market. This assessment ensures that products meet the necessary EU requirements and standards, allowing them to bear the CE mark and be sold within the European Economic Area.
VLAREL stands for “Vlaams Reglement betreffende de Milieuvergunning” (Flemish Regulation concerning Environmental Licenses). It is a regulatory framework in Flanders, Belgium, that outlines the accreditation and supervision of environmental experts and laboratories, ensuring they meet specific standards and competencies in environmental assessments.
Laboroute is a French accreditation managed by IDRRIM (Institut des Routes, des Rues et des Infrastructures pour la Mobilité), recognizing laboratories that perform studies, formulations, and characterizations of road construction products. This accreditation ensures that laboratories adhere to current standards, employ trained personnel, and use reliable, calibrated equipment.
AASHTO Accreditation
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) provides accreditation to laboratories that meet rigorous standards in testing and inspection for transportation materials. This accreditation is recognized in the United States and internationally, ensuring that laboratories maintain high-quality testing practices in the field of transportation.
GEOS Laboratories ~site Wellen is the first and only laboratory to hold such an accreditation.
Brussels-Capital Region
The Brussels-Capital Region is one of the three regions of Belgium, responsible for regional affairs in Brussels, accrediting and recognizing laboratories and institutions that meet specific regional standards and regulations.
Other accreditations
For the accreditations held by our plant in Herstal, please visit this page: Les accréditations de GEOS Laboratories à Herstal.